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Showing posts from March, 2006

Seniors ~ Fairy Tales

Your next-to-last assignments revolve around Fairy Tales (called Marchen in German). You'll read about four total, including the well-known Cinderella (or Aschenputtel ). The version I want you to read is from the Brothers Grimm , Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. It differs a good bit from the Disney version, as you'll see, so don't assume you know the whole story. The text, published by the Grimms in 1857, is HERE . Please print it out and bring it to class. Believe it or not, many people devote their scholarshipto fairy tale studies . They believe that because these stories have impacted so many people, it is useful to study the tales themselves with a critical eye. Many books have been written on the subject, and there are many many college courses devoted to the subject. On that note, if you'd like to do something really crazy, then read this article about the various versions of Cinderella. The article is from The SurLaLune Fairy Tales Pages , a comprehensive i...

Freshmen ~ Hiroshima

The next book you are reading is Hiroshima , by John Hersey. It was originally published in The New Yorker in August of 1946. Written just one year after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , arguably the most influential event of the 20th century, the book follows the lives of six survivors. It starts the morning of the "noiseless flash," and it ends with the author's return to Japan 40 years later. I've ordered copies for everyone. Your first reading assignment is over the weekend. Please bring $7.00 on Monday!

Research Process

It's time now that I remind you of the "big picture" -- that is, the process as a whole and how each small assignment contributes to the final product. This what you've done so far, if you're on track: PHASE ONE (1) First, we read and discussed the book together. No shortcuts. (2) Second, you picked a topic from a long list of choices. Own it . Commit to it. (3) Third, you skimmmed the book for details related to your topic. (4) You took notes and cited page numbers, organizing into sub-topics. (5) You created a formal outline of your paper, including citations. (6) Finally, you are writing a draft of Paper #1. Next, this weekend, you will write the final draft to complete Phase One . Please keep the following in mind: * A strong THESIS is necessary for a strong paper. * Introduce the entire paper, not just the first body paragraph. * Connect your sub-topics to the thesis. * Keep each paragraph focused on ONE idea. Again, keep your thesis in mind. * Use spec...

Freshmen ~ Short Short Story

Your assignment for Wednesday is to write a short short story of around 250 words based on a popular fairy tale. Modernize your version to include contemporary characters and setting, but use familiar motifs (recurrent elements) to connect to the genre. Your story should include at least the following: (1) A central character who's named for his/her attributes (2) A moral/ethical choice (3) A lesson Remember also that most fairy tales involve some type of journey. The beginning and ending should be clear, as well. Please type and format according to MLA.

Research Paper: Phase One

As noted on your assignment sheet, the first paper due is two-three pages long and based on the novel only . The topic you chose over the weekend is yours now, and only in rare occasions will you be allowed to change it. Commit to it, and the process should be relatively painless. Before we actually researching your topic, you will write your first draft using your primary source -- the novel. Please follow these steps: (1) Using your notes and study guide, locate information related to your topic. (2) Organize what you find into sub-topics. (3) Create an outline that includes citation of specific evidence. (4) Write rough draft for FRIDAY (5) Revise for MONDAY After the first draft is turned in, we will begin to look for secondary sources .

Macbeth Essay

Your assignment is to write a two-three page essay, using ONE of the six prompts from your Macbeth exam: * Which character would be most difficult to portray? * Do the witches direct Macbeth’s fate or simply predict it? * What do you believe is the major turning point for Macbeth? * What do you believe is the major turning point for Lady Macbeth? * How does the natural world respond to Macbeth’s unnatural acts? * What is your opinion of Roman Polanski’s version of Macbeth? Your answer to the question will be the basis for your thesis. Your paper will develop around an argument in support of that answer. Remember that the grade is based not on your opinion but your argument. Support your argument with your own ideas and examples from the play. DO NOT use the internet. The essay should be typed, double-spaced and formatted according to MLA. Note that the form for citing lines of a play is slightly different . Place a slash [/] between lines of text, and include the Act, Scene and l...

Seniors ~ Group Letter

Every group needs to write a four-paragraph letter (to me) that includes the following information: One -- Group Members & Scene Two -- Staging ("theme," setting, location, costumes, props, etc) Three -- Task Allocation (who's doing what) Four -- Contact Information & Anticipated Conflicts Use full block format for the letter. Check it for spelling & grammar. This will be graded (possible 30 points), and everyone in the group will receive the same grade.

Senior Spelling Bee

The time has finally come for the Macbeth video project. As discussed in class, groups will compete for scenes. The winner of the spelling bee will get first choice. The test will be oral, with each student writing down the correct spelling. Individual scores will be averaged for a group score, which will then be ranked. The winner gets the first choice of scenes. The words below are common, and commonly misspelled. I'll choose 10-15 words at random from the list: 1. absence 2. guarantee 3. height 4. grammar 5. believe 6. development 7. leisure 8. recommend 9. rhythm 10. restaurant 11. independent 12. maintenance 13. neighbor 14. cemetery 15. embarrass 16. existence 17. privilege 18. ignorance 19. definite 20. separate 21. humorous 22. mosquito 23. biscuit 24. conscience 25. conscious 26. mischievous 27. principal 28. principle 29. receive 30. occurrence

Junior / Senior Writing Assignment

Your "DEAR" essays are critical, meaning they should focus on some central point of significance in the novel. That central point (or THESIS) should be stated in the introduction to your paper and should be supported throughout the essay with details and specific examples (or EVIDENCE). Those details must be cited according to MLA . This paper should utilize your primary source ONLY. In other words, DO NOT use any summaries or articles you find on the Internet. If you do use outside sources, it will be obvious to me; I will be forced to give a ZERO to any plagiarized papers. For Seniors, that might make the difference between graduating and not graduating. Don't take that chance. Simply do your own work and take the grade it deserves. The paper should do the following: (1) State a clear thesis -- i.e. what is your argument? (2) Mention your main points in the Intro (3) Support each main point with a body paragraph (4) Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentenc...

Freshmen ~ DEAR essays

DEAR book essays are due the day you return from break. Please follow the format discussed in class: Format according to MLA (for an example, go to Purdue’s Online Writing Lab ). Use 12-point Times New Roman font. First, Summarize the book in an introductory paragraph. Imagine that you are writing a summary for the back of the book. Next, include a description of three important characters (one paragraph each), including physical and psychological details, as well as any other information that you feel “defines” the characters. Be specific and use examples from the book. Then, include a discussion of two major themes in the novel (at least one paragraph each), noting specific examples to illustrate your points. Please relate the thematic content to meaning or the writer’s purpose for writing the novel. Finally, please “review” the novel in a concluding paragraph. Tell the reader what you thought of the book, whether or not you would recommend it, and WHY . This should be a full par...

Freshmen ~ Creative Writing #2

Your assignment is to write a SONNET. Again, ALL sonnets have two things in common: (1) 14 lines (Use Shakespeare's form -- ABABCDCDEFEFGG) (2) Iambic Pentameter Iambic Pentameter = 5 iambic feet = 10 syllables with alternating stresses. Example: "Where ci vil blood makes ci vil hands un clean " (notice that when you read it, there are five stresses in the line) Your topic is LOVE ...of someone or something, living or not.