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Last Week of Classes!

English II Tonight, please read the last bit of "Araby" and answer the questions that follow (CC and #2-4). In addition, answer #1-3 on 989 and CC and #2-5 on 992. For Wednesday , read "At the Pitt-Rivers" and answer the questions that follow (CC and #2-6). You can also start gathering/reviewing your notes from this semester. HERE is the study guide for the final.  Fine Arts Survey Your last test will be on Ch14 ( notes here ). We will review for the remainder of the week.
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English II Your quiz on the poems and Kipling story is tomorrow. Your homework is to answer #2-8 on the handout. Use complete sentences, and cite from the text.

Fine Arts Survey

Your exam on Chapters 12 and 13 (abbreviated notes) will be Tuesday, May 1st. We will continue with Ch 14 the remainder of this week and into next. Your final review will be created in class.


English II For Monday, read the selections from Robert Browning, and answer the following: #1-3 on 856 CC and #2-5 on 859 For Tuesday, read the selections from Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Matthew Arnold, and Gerard Manley Hopkins,and answer the following: #1-4 on 862 #1-4 on 943  #1-4 on 948 For Wednesday, read the short story handout by Kipling, and poems by Hardy and Housman, and answer the following: #2-3 on 955 #1 and 4 on 957  CC and #2-3 on 961 #1 and 4 on 964 CC and #2 on 967 To receive credit, you must answer in complete sentences and cite from the poems . We will have a QUIZ on all of the poems on Thursday, May 3rd.


English II For Friday, you may earn 20 points for creating an outline of the introduction to The Victorians (832-7). Organize around the six sections - starting with Queen Victoria and ending with New Directions. Include significant supporting points for each section, and include details in the lists that follow. In class, you will work from the book, and everyone will be required to turn in their work at the end of class. Quiz on the introduction will be Monday. English IV Your final draft of the the final revision paper should be shared (lastname-final revision), turned in with peer reviews attached; and your one-page "Career Update" (lastname-update) is due at the end of class, printed. Art History Your classwork for today is to complete the homework from Ch 12 (all four sections).


Seniors, the end is near, and there are a few assignments left to schedule. Here is a list of everything due in the next two weeks: Letter to Future Self - this is an OPTIONAL assignment, but I encourage you to take it seriously. As discussed in class, this letter will be sent to you in about five years. Think about what you'd like to tell yourself five years from now. For example, maybe it would be interesting to reflect on your plans at the time, what values you held dear, what you wanted to remember. In addition, you might think about your current likes/dislikes related to pop culture -- a playlist of favorite songs, for example. Because USB thumb drives are small, you might include one with pictures, music, etc. -- a sort of time capsule of your senior year (or at least the last month of it). This letter should be turned in an enclosed, addressed envelope. I will apply postage in the future. This letter is due THURSDAY, 4/19. Final Revision Paper - this is a rev...

This Week

English II Read Part Three of Frankenstein . Your exam on the novel will be Tuesday, April 17th. English IV Read MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech (perhaps while watching it below), and we will annotate it in class. Your analysis essay will be written in class on Friday. Your prompt is to answer the following questions concerning MLK's speech: What makes this an effective speech, considering his audience and purpose? And what rhetorical strategies does MLK employ to achieve this effect? Art Survey We are studying Chapter 11 this week, and I plan to test on Friday.